Gabriella Perry


Harvard's Graduate School of Design, Nano Micro Macro Final Project Fall 2021

With Covid we have learned a lot. We have learned about science, about society, and about ourselves. Lockdowns have been hard they have caused global increase in the prevalence and severity of anxiety, depression, and stress cases. However, they have also unveiled an interesting truth. Almost all of us struggle with mental health issues, and almost all of us keep it silent. It is time to raise our voices and to help each other. Because if Covid has taught us anything it is how far we can go when we collaborate and how big an impact a tiny piece of fabric can have. Especially when it’s fighting for things that matter.

Unveil is a kinetic accessories lab that seeks to make a statement against social stigma surrounding mental health issues. Developed by graduate students at Harvard University, unveil accessories have been carefully designed to change color when sunlight strikes, move when temperature changes, and ultimately to encourage people to step outside once again and find support with one another.

Our clothes affect how others see us, but also how we feel about ourselves. Let’s take the world by storm again.